Muscatel - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Muscatel
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Muscatel - ορισμός

Moscatel; Moscatell; Muscat (wine); Muscat wine; Muscats (wine)
  • Fortified Spanish wine from the [[Navarre]] region made from Muscat blanc a Petits Grains

¦ noun a muscat grape or a raisin made from such a grape.
?a sweet wine made from muscat grapes.
via OFr. from Provencal, dimin. of muscat (see muscat).
·noun Finest raisins, dried on the vine; "sun raisins.".
II. Muscatel ·noun A common name for several varieties of rich sweet wine, made in Italy, Spain, and France.
III. Muscatel ·adj Of, pertaining to, or designating, or derived from, a muscat grapes or similar grapes; a muscatel grapes; muscatel wine, ·etc.
See muscat



Muscatel ( MUSK-ə-TEL) is a type of wine made from muscat grapes. The term is now normally used in the United States to refer to a fortified wine made from these grapes rather than just any wine made from these grapes. This fortified muscatel became popular in the United States when, at the end of prohibition, in order to meet the large demand for wine, some poor strains of muscat grapes (used normally for table grapes or raisins) mixed with sugar and cheap brandy were used to produce what has since become infamous as a wino wine. This kind of fortified wine has, in the United States, damaged the reputation of all muscat-based wines and the term muscatel tends no longer to be used for these "better" wines in the United States. In other markets the term Muscatel, or Moscatel, refers to a wide range of sweet wines based on these grapes.

In 16th-century Germany elderflower infused Salvia sclarea was added to Rhine wines to make a more potent varietal that was called "Muscatel", giving the plant one of its common names "muscatel sage".

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Muscatel
1. Safir, Doluca‘s only natural wine, is produced from the muscatel grapes of the Aegean region.
2. "He should stay in prison the rest of his life." In addition to Umansky, the victims were real estate developer Meyer Muscatel; Russian banking mogul George Safiev; Safiev‘s accountant Rita Pekler; and Safiev‘s business partner Nick Kharabadze.
3. Those killed were real estate developer Meyer Muscatel; Russian banking mogul George Safiev; Safiev‘s accountant Rita Pekler; Safiev‘s business partner Nick Kharabadze; and Alexander Umansky, who owned a car accessory business.